Sunday, 27 February 2011

For once only...

Only once in my life, I'm gonna support my town which I'm living at the moment, that's even when they finally made through to the 2010/2011 Carling Cup Final and will face Arse-nal. Come on Blues, give your long awaiting fans a suprise to pounder with!!!

Btw, next Tuesday will be a mouth watering match between Chelshit (I guess I spelt it right here) and Manchester United. Bring it on, United!!!


@Fr!^n@ said...

betul la eja chelshit camtu.. hahahaha

ps- nice song to u have there.. sape nyanyi ni?

Tok Ketua said...

i will trow my millwall bricks.. hahaha

Peraih udang dari Zimbabwe said...

Yeszaaa, Birm City menang 2-1...

noa said...

Hidup Malaysia =p

noa said...

wei aku nak buat requst ni

letak ar gambar oversea ko
aku nak tengok

tak dapat pegi...dapat tengok pun jadi laaaa (aku buat ayat sedih nih, tak kesian ke)

ENTRY HOT : dia tinggalkan aku...

Islamic Traveller said...

Perkongsian yang menarik...